Digital Brown Bag

The DBB was a weekly seminar that aided in my professional development and taught me all of the secrets about getting a JOB. Each week we had the opportunity to listen and network with professionals, all in the media industry. Many of these professionals were NMI alumni, so it was great to poke their brains and receive helpful advice. On a few of the weeks, I was lucky enough to listen to the amazing Megan Ward’s famous “Life 101” lessons. These lessons included the do’s and dont’s of credit cards and how to handle my health insurance.

Throughout this course we also completed professional development projects where I learned about my personality type, researched my digital identity, and obtained a google analytics certificate. Both the personality and digital identity projects allowed me to learn my strengths and weaknesses to develop a better understanding of myself. The certification taught me how to monitor and analyze the traffic on websites, a very useful skill in the digital media world. While this was not an intensely demanding course, it is clear to me that I was learning something new every week. I leave this class with so many new professional and life skills that I will carry with me into my future career.